Booth Set-Up
A table will be available for your company's display during in-person conferences.
Event Registration
You will receive two (2) complimentary event registrations with access to education and the opportunity to purchase additional event registrations at discounted rate.
Logo Appearance
Your logo will appear on ALL dakotAMSS communications throughout the year, at the registration table for in-person conferences, in the conference introduction power point, conference program, packet handouts, and on any networking event as a Platinum Sponsor.
Any articles you wish to share will be placed in our newsletter and/or distributed individually to our members.
You will be given the opportunity to market your product to our attendees personally at the conference. In addition, any digital marketing items you provide will be sent to our members prior to the conference.
Website listing
Your logo and a link to your company website will be placed on the dakotAMSS website.
Registration Listings
You'll receive a Post-Event Attendee List.
$2500.00+ plus door prize for drawing
Booth Set-Up
A table will be available for your company's display during in-person conferences.
Event Registration
You will receive two (2) complimentary event registrations with access to education and the opportunity to purchase additional event registrations at discounted rate.
Logo Appearance
Your logo will appear in conference promotional emails, at the registration table for in-person conferences, in the introduction power point, conference program, packet handouts, and on any networking events as a Gold Sponsor.
You will be given the opportunity to market your product to our attendees personally. In addition, any digital marketing items you provide will be sent to our members prior to the conference.
Website listing
Your logo and a link to your company website will be placed on the dakotAMSS website.
Registration Listings
You'll receive a Post-Event Attendee List
$2000.00 plus door prize for drawing
Booth Set-Up
A table will be available for your company's display during in-person conferences.
Event Registration
You will receive one (1) complimentary event registrations with access to education and the opportunity to purchase additional event registrations at discounted rate.
Logo Appearance
Your logo will appear at the registration table, in the conference introduction power point, conference program, packet handouts, and on any networking events as a Silver Sponsor.
Any digital marketing items you provide will be sent to our members prior to the conference.
Website Listing
Your logo and a link to your company website will be placed on the dakotAMSS website.
Registration Listings
You will receive a Post-event attendee list.
$1000.00 plus door prize for drawing
Booth set-up
A table will be available for your company's display during in-person conferences.
Logo Appearance
Your logo will appear on the introduction power point, conference program, packet handouts, and on any networking events as a Bronze Sponsor.
Website Listing
Your logo and a link to your company website will be placed on the dakotAMSS website.
$500.00 plus door prize for drawing
Logo Appearance
Your logo will appear at the registration table, in promotional emails, on the Conference Program, Introduction Power Point and Packet Handouts as well as on the dakotAMSS website with a link to your corporate website.
An employee must be a volunteer Board Member